

Anchoring is a large subject with many skills involved. You will gain confidence as you get more experience. To break things down there are three pages that follow; each devoted to a particular aspect of anchoring.

Anchors & How They Work goes into the details of different anchor types and shows how anchors are able to hold, even in very strong winds. This page also covers how to set and retrieve an anchor. Also detailed are the importance of snubbers and bridle arrangements.

Anchoring Styles & Mooring discusses the different ways you can anchor. From using just one anchor off the bow to Bahamian mooring, Med mooring, and how to pick up and tie off to a mooring buoy. Also discussed is the kedge anchor and how to use it if you run aground.

Choosing an Anchorage talks about how to find a good anchorage for any weather situation. From protected harbors to open water, what to look for if you'd like a good night's sleep.